5 Healthy New Year's Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Welcome to the new year, buddies!. Hope you enjoyed your holiday?. This is my first post this year and I'm all about helping you improve your nutrition and health. Cheers!

Most of us make different new year resolutions on improving health but most of these decisions go down the drain, one after the other due to many reasons. Achieving optimal health plus stress-free lifestyle requires making the 'just-right' changes, which do not have to be ceremonious or tedious in any way. 

Here is a list of five (5) realistic healthy resolutions you can follow this new year to help you lead a healthier life. 

1. Having a sustainable, nourishing diet

Whether you are working towards gaining or losing weight, you need to consider if you can follow it for life and it is not just about the short-term changes. Your new resolutions towards your eating pattern should be sustainable and nourishing (meeting your body needs, that can go for a long time). 

A sustainable healthy diet is such that helps to promote all dimensions of your health and wellbeing; and is also accessible, affordable, safe and acceptable to you. A sustainable diet can be followed during vacation, at parties because it is unrestricted and suits your lifestyle. This means you don't have to follow any fad diet, especially the painstaking ones. 

For instance, reducing the consumption of heavily processed sugars, unhealthy fats and choosing varied, whole, nutrient-dense foods can be followed for a long time and also maintains good health ( talk of immunity, appearance, to name a few).

2. Do more cooking

Cooking your food can help you make better dietary choices. When you are involved in cooking your meals, you have more control over the ingredients. 

The simple process of cooking at home can be empowering and improve your mood and self-esteem. Cooking your meals doesn't have to be complicated. You don't have to spend hours in the kitchen following elaborate recipes. Simple meals are often the tastiest.

3. Get more quality sleep

 The importance of quality sleep to your health cannot be over-emphasized. Sleep deprivation comes with undesirable consequences, including increased risk of depression and heart disease. Many people have reasons responsible for their poor sleep hygiene. 

All you need to do better is to focus on yourself and prioritise quality sleep in line with your lifestyle and schedule.

4. Practise more self-care

Practising self-care isn't always easy. Most of us have crazy schedules, stressful jobs, or have more screen time than we find it challenging to create time for ourselves. 

Self-care practises includes taking a lunch break, following a sustainable healthy diet, exercising, improving on personal hygiene, enjoying fresh air/ nature-views, and praying.

5. Find a physical activity you enjoy

Some of us have in one time or the other made an expensive subscription to gyms and workout studios without being able to follow through the program with results. The best way to be successfully committed to physical activity is finding the one that you enjoy and also fits into your schedule. Instead of starting with rigorous weight lifts, you may consider jogging or swimming at specific days of the week, just as it fits right into your schedule.

In a nutshell, follow basic, healthy and sustainable plans that go through the year and the years to come. The goal is to start and finish healthily this year. 

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  1. Wow.... .Thanks Dexa for this piece.... Happy new year to you too

  2. I'm so working on cooking my meals and quality sleep

  3. Thanks so much Dexadiet. This is educative.

  4. Quite informative! Thank you ma'am 😊

    1. Thanks so much Riaa Its nice to know you found it informative.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This is educative. Lovely and informative piece. and am working on it

  7. This is simple and detailed will definitely be trying it out

  8. That will be great!. Thanks for your time.


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