What are the ideal meal times for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Eating your meals during the day isn't as straightforward as a lot of people consider it to be. Basically, you can't just go around munching and chewing your meals at any time of the day. One important thing to note about meal times is that they help to set the body's circadian rhythm which influences a lot of metabolic reactions and processes in the body.
To put it simply, haphazard eating times could lead to medical conditions such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. So, it's important that you learn to eat at the ideal time. Let's take a look at the ideal meal times to ensure healthy living.

 According to the American Heart Association (AHA), breakfast is a meal of the day which is to be eaten within 2 hours of waking up. On average, breakfast is to be eaten between 5 am-10 am. Missing breakfast can be damaging to the body as it leaves you exposed to conditions such as type 2 diabetes, higher blood sugar, increased cholesterol levels and of course, obesity. Never skip breakfast for the purpose of weight loss!.
 However, don't just eat anything for breakfast. There's also a need to eat the right food substances for effective metabolism.

Sample meal recommendation: Ogi and moi-moi
 (Ogi made from guinea corn, served with honey and skimmed milk. Moi-moi from beans, oil, pepper & onions, stuffed with egg and mackerel, spiced with nutmeg).

 Due to a lot of cultural changes and differences, it has been a problem to identify an ideal lunchtime. However, I would recommend that lunch is eaten during the afternoon. This means the ideal lunchtimes are from 1 pm - 4 pm. Lunch is a quite complicated meal of the day and it can be difficult to determine what to eat. Meals to be eaten as lunch are to be lesser 700 kcal for effective metabolism.

Sample meal recommendation:  Roast chicken, Plain boiled brown rice and beans with vegetable sauce.
 Beverage: Zobo Drink.
 (chicken marinated with a combination of ginger, garlic and nutmeg, then roasted. Beans boiled with rice, salted and spiced with onion slices. Vegetable sauce from pepper, tomatoes, onions, carrots and green peas, oil)

Well, eating dinner is quite straightforward. To avoid any digestive problems, dinner is to be eaten at least 3 hours before going to bed. This puts the ideal mealtime for dinner between 5pm-7 pm. The time stated here may vary based on cultural differences or the time of the day when other meals of the day were eaten. However, it's a rule to never eat dinner directly before going to bed.

Sample meal recommendation: Tofu, Stir-fry Noodles served with Fruit gages.
 Beverage: 1 glass of Yoghurt
 (tofu can be fried or baked. Noodles is stir fried in peppered sauce. Gages: diced apples, coconut and banana combined together).

Eating right is key for good living. DexaDiet hopes to help you develop your feeding patterns to aid your overall health. Leave your comments and questions below.


  1. Worth reading 👌😎,good eating habit is the key to a health life

  2. This is a very nice piece... It will be beneficial to our living if we can follow it duly. Don't forget "Eating right is the key for good living"... Thank you Dexadiet for this. More strength 💪

    1. Thanks Ewamide. We are here to get the volume on 'healthy eating', high...

  3. Very sourceful information. Thank you dexadiet

  4. Thanks for sharing this. I found it personally helpful.

  5. Thanks my beautiful deoti,you have really educate me. Thanks

  6. Thanks my beautiful deoti. You have really educate me.

  7. Thanks for the information ma'am

  8. Wow. What a great piece. Found it very educating


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